Ground calcium carbonate (CaCO3) can be found. It makes up more than 4% of the crust of the earth. Chalk, limestone, and marble—made by the sedimentation of small fossilized shellfish, coral, and snails over millions of years—are its most common natural forms. Over ten thousand years ago, chalk was used to write and draw. Chalk is a microcrystalline material. The ancient Egyptian pyramids were built with limestone blocks, which are more compact and long-lasting than chalk. Travertine, one of the other forms of limestone, was a key component in the Roman aqueducts and was used as a building material since ancient times. A transformative stone composed of coarse glasslike particles, marble has been utilized in development, building, and craftsmanship since forever ago. The antiquated Greeks involved it for friezes, alleviation figures, and unattached sculptures, and those later made by Michelangelo during the Renaissance.
Applications of Calcium Carbonate
Perhaps the most flexible material, calcium carbonate, presently has many different purposes. Crushing rocks containing calcium carbonate is necessary for many of these applications. This concentrated powder can be used in a wide range of products thanks to the manufacturing processes used to produce it.
Cement contains calcium carbonate, which is used in the construction industry in addition to its use as a standalone building material. After being sorted by particulate size, it is used as a binder to make asphalt for roads, concrete, and mortar.
Agriculture & Aquaculture
Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime, which can inexpensively neutralize acidic soil and make it suitable for planting. Vitamins and calcium carbonate-containing premixed feed are common supplements utilized by livestock farmers to add bulk to feed and keep it dust-free. It regulates the pH of the soil in ponds prior to the introduction of aquatic organisms in aquaculture. Animal feed contains calcium carbonate, the active ingredient in agricultural lime.
Plastics & Sealants
calcium carbonate gives it a stronger impact resistance. It can replace more expensive impact modifying substances thanks to its manufacturing processes. Additionally, Mewar Micron is the supplier of Ground calcium carbonate in india. various sealants and adhesives utilized in the construction and automotive industries to make use of processed calcium carbonate.
When making colored opaque paper, paper manufacturers use it as an inexpensive filler because of its brightness and ability to scatter light. The wet end of paper-making equipment is where this calcium carbonate filler is used to give the paper a glossier and brighter appearance. By replacing more expensive agents used for brightening and pulp fiber, its use in the paper industry increases the productivity of paper-making machines, enhances optical properties, and reduces costs.
Paints & Coatings
Calcium carbonate is prized for its distinctive white color and is also used as a filler in paints and coating pigments. Calcium carbonate accounts for as much as 30% of the weight of some paints in some instances. Paint manufacturers are able to reduce the amount of titanium dioxide in their products and enhance the product's ability to obscure colors that are in contrast thanks to manufacturing processes that produce distinct particle shapes.
Healthcare & Cosmetics
Ground calcium carbonate can be utilized to regulate and enhance human health.Calcium dietary supplements Filler for tablets Multivitamin and mineral tablets Toothpastes Calcium carbonate is also used in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia during kidney dialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease to normalize phosphate concentrations. Calcium carbonate and dietary phosphate combine to form calcium phosphate, which cannot be dissolved in water.
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